Role-Playing Game

Fallout Arizona Ep. 4: A day in Flag

Welcome Scavvers to the fourth episode of the Fallout Arizona Campaign. Our wastelander's had just finished two riveting games in the town of Flag both in favor of our party. Now our party is left to their own devices in this town full of raiders, what kind of trouble will they get into?


Social Media:

Official Twitter:

Tatyana Keller:

Connor Nielson: Tumblr: Liberated Nerd

Carter Meyer:

Fallout Arizona Ep. 3: Game Day

Welcome Scavvers to the third episode of the Fallout Arizona Campaign. Our Wastelanders have a new party member a ghoul mechanic named Glenn, with his expertise he's able to patch up Lidia and the crew heads towards Flag. What Chaos will ensue in this town full of raiders?
Social Media:
Official Twitter:
Tatyana Keller:
Connor Nielson: Tumblr: Liberated Nerd
Carter Meyer: