War Runners Ep 6: The Death Race

The War Runners begin their race to the death will their Xenon bring them to victory or crash and burn like Jake’s high?

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All music from Dewolfe Music Library:

Paul Nagle - Cascade (Starts at 0:31)

Oscar Lo Brutto - Lonely Alone (Starts at 5:33)

Martin Haene and Yves Michel - Burning Souls (Starts at 13:23)

Richard Day - Synchronus (Starts at 16:37)

Stuart Elliot - Speed Freak (Starts at 20:37)

Matthew Carr - Ruthless Aggression (Starts at 25:06)

Stuart Elliot and Richard Driscoll - Breaking Out (Starts at 31:17)

Sir Bald Diddley - Fell for you (starts at 34:07)

Micheal Langley - Swamp Feet (Starts at 50:11)

Paul Lawler - Into the Wild (Starts at 1:10:47)

Gavin Skinner - Daisy Chain (Starts at 1:13:59)